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Open Positions - Congregational Transitions

Open Positions - Congregational Transitions

Join in the work among God's people in Europe

Thank you for your interest in serving among the thousands of Christians across the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe! For more information about who we are, how our church life works, or where our congregations are located, we invite you to explore all of our current website resources. 


Openings in the Episcopal Church in Europe


All Saints, Waterloo, Belgium (clergy)

  • Half-time assistant priest position, please inquire here
  • With the rector retiring in August 2024, the congregation will soon begin a search process for that position.
  • For further information, please contact the convocation transition minister, the Ven. Walter Baer at

Christ Church, Clermont-Ferrand, France (clergy)

  • Part-time priest in charge position. Bridge priest in place. 
  • For further information or expressions of interest please the convocation transition minister, the Ven. Walter Baer at , or the convocation transitions consultant, the Rev. Canon Linda Grenz at  

 St. Paul's Within the Walls, Rome, Italy (clergy)

  • This parish will soon begin receiving names for the position of Priest-in-Charge. Bridge priest is in place. OTM portfolio has been posted, here
  • For further information contact our convocation transitions consultant, the Rev. Canon Linda Grenz at