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Strategic Plan and Committee Duties

Strategic Plan and Committee Duties



The Convocation's Strategic Planning Process 2016 - 2017

Link to 2017 Strategic Plan 


This page is for informational purposes. The Rt Rev Mark D.W. Edington was ordained and consecrated Bishop at the American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity on April 6, 2019, and assumed his position of Bishop in Charge of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.

See Consecration Page


Thanks to the Members of Strategic Plan Committee:
The Rev Dr Mark Barwick (chairperson), All Saints’, Waterloo /Christ Church, Charleroi; Dr Yvonne Cockcroft, Ascension, Munich;The Rev Canon Michael Hunn, Canon to the Presiding Bishop, New York; Mr Ian Ssali Kiggundu, St Paul’s, Rome; The Very Rev Lucinda Laird, The American Cathedral in Paris; Ms Helena Mbele-Mbong, Emmanuel, Geneva; The Rev Steven Smith, Ascension, Munich; The Rev Robert J. Warren, Christ Church, Clermont Ferrand

O God, we pray for the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe as we discern and elect a Bishop to serve your people, build up your Church and proclaim boldly the Gospel to the world.  Send us, we pray, an Apostle who is a wise counsellor, a merciful pastor, filled with your joy and grace.  May your servant have the abundant gifts needed to lead your flock and the strength and courage to administer them. And may we renew and rededicate our lives to your will and service.  All this we pray in the Name of our Great High Priest and Servant of the servants of God, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Search/Nomination and Transition Committees 

The Council of Advice appointed the members of the Search and Nomination Committee and of the Transition Committee. Their names were announced at the 2017 Convention and the committees were commissioned by the Bishop.

Brief Descriptions of the Committees' Duties

The role of the Search/Nominating Committee is to search for and nominate the persons best suited to serve as a bishop in the Convocation at this point in our spiritual journey. 

In order to do this, the Search Committee will take the Strategic Plan and put it in a format that will serve as two profiles: The profile of the Convocation and the profile of the Bishop to be elected. 

Next, this Committee will communicate these profiles to the wider church, to search for and find candidates. 

Finally, this Committee will discern which 3-4 candidates are most appropriate for the Convocation, and nominate them, providing the Transition Committee with the support needed to present the nominees to the Convocation and hold a fair and faithful election. The discernment process of the committee will include interviews of potential candidates and references, and completion of background checks.  

This Committee must work in full cooperation with the Presiding Bishop.


Transition is an ongoing process that begins with the call for an election and includes the election, the months between election and consecration, the consecration and accompanying events, the period of adjustment for the bishop-elect and family, and the celebration of the current bishop’s ministry with us and graduation to new ministries. This is a full enough plate for any committee. 

The following names of the recommended subcommittees for the Transition Committee describe the tasks of the Transition Committee: 

  • Subcommittee on Presentation of the Nominees “Walk About” 
  • Subcommittee on the Electing Convention 
  • Subcommittee on the Support of the Bishop-Elect and Family 
  • Subcommittee for the Celebration of the current Bishop’s graduation
  • Subcommittee for the Consecration 


What Council was looking for --  all three Committees (Strategic Plan, Search/Nominating and Transition
(All together, each committee needed these things among its members.)

  • people of prayer 
  • someone from each country
  • known to be well organized and good at following through on commitments
  • active at the Convocation level (they are there to represent the Convocation, not their congregation) ”citizens of the Convocation”
  • representative of the committees, commissions or areas of special concern in the Convocation
  • people recommended by their rectors
  • people serving in ministries that are distinct and special about the convocation, such as refugee ministries and multilingual
  • have contacts in the Episcopal Church in the US that can help us reach more people in the search
  • particular skills needed for the committee (communications, discernment, gifted in hospitality, real estate, language)
  • diversity in every sense of the word -- geography, gender, culture, small-church big church, age
  • people with sense of our history
  • remember - WE are looking at the possible candidates for bishop, but also, THEY are looking at us. We want people who will encourage candidates to want to come to the Convocation, and be realistic in their expectations of us.